Use 0 for no timeout. In my case I have a formatter for HTML and a separate one for Javascript: { "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp . These have precedence over the default associations of the languages installed. How do you change the formatting options in Visual Studio Code? Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. "editor.scrollbar.horizontalScrollbarSize". // Controls whether or not the empty window is trusted by default within VS Code. // When enabled, Outline shows `package`-symbols. "${dirty}${activeEditorShort}${separator}${rootName}${separator}${profileName}${separator}${appName}". How can I navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio Code? // If enabled, will automatically change to high contrast theme if the OS is using a high contrast theme. // Whether to use ConPTY for Windows terminal process communication (requires Windows 10 build number 18309+). The 'Open to Side' mouse gestures - if supported - will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multiselect modifier. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to Type Definition'-command when multiple target locations exist. // Controls the delay in milliseconds after which quick suggestions will show up. Changes to settings are applied by VS Code as you change them. // Whether to relaunch terminals automatically if extension want to contribute to their environment and have not been interacted with yet. Requires enabling `markdown.validate.enabled`. // Allow setting breakpoints in any file. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location. // - auto: Show variable values inline in editor while debugging when the language supports inline value locations. Enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the Debug Console. // - always: Show the banner every time an untrusted workspace is open. // A list of URLs or local paths to CSS style sheets to use from the Markdown preview. // Plays a sound when a notebook cell execution fails. Note that this setting does not have an impact on the first window that is opened. // Controls how symbols are sorted in the breadcrumbs outline view. // Controls whether git actions should show progress. `a > b`). // Controls the minimal number of visible leading lines (minimum 0) and trailing lines (minimum 1) surrounding the cursor. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `boolean`-symbols. // Whether the cell toolbar should appear on hover or click. // Controls where new `Search: Find in Files` and `Find in Folder` operations occur: either in the search view, or in a search editor. Pinned tabs are sorted to the beginning of all opened tabs and typically do not close until unpinned. // Enable/disable default HTML formatter. // Configure settings to be overridden for the search-result language. // When enabled, Outline shows `method`-symbols. // Controls whether leading and trailing whitespace is ignored in Source Control diff gutter decorations. // Defines the bracket symbols that increase or decrease the indentation. Same thing happened to me just now. via the File menu). // Configure settings to be overridden for the shellscript language. @Gremi64: is it? Links can be slow when working on a network drive in particular because each file link is verified against the file system. "workbench.editor.preferHistoryBasedLanguageDetection". // - on: Enable GPU acceleration within the terminal. The prompt can be controlled using the `git.branchProtectionPrompt` setting. // Configures which processes to automatically attach and debug when `debug.node.autoAttach` is on. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Implementation' is the current location. // - all: Highlights both the gutter and the current line. Next cmd+, to open vscode system preferences. // - disabled: Disables incremental naming. // Controls the wrapping column of the editor when `editor.wordWrap` is `wordWrapColumn` or `bounded`. "editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters". Then, the Settings editor opens with a language filter for the selected language, which allows you to modify language-specific settings for that language. // - tree: Focus the tree when opening peek, // - editor: Focus the editor when opening peek. When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type. // Controls whether the Explorer should ask for confirmation when deleting a file via the trash. // When the terminal process must be shut down (for example on window or application close), this determines when the previous terminal session contents/history should be restored and processes be recreated when the workspace is next opened. Code will check for updates automatically and periodically. In the example below, the Side Bar location and file icon theme have been changed. // Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before committing. // Controls whether to show the task detail for tasks that have a detail in task quick picks, such as Run Task. The settings that show up will be configurable for that specific language, and will show the setting value specific to that language, if applicable. // A set of command IDs whose keybindings will not be sent to the shell but instead always be handled by VS Code. // - shrink: Allow tabs to get smaller when the available space is not enough to show all tabs at once. ", it means your settings.json file is ill-formed or has errors. // - offset: Open new windows with same dimension as last active one with an offset position. // Controls if the Debug Console should be automatically closed when the debug session ends. Prevents horizontal drift when scrolling vertically on a trackpad. // Controls the sorting order of editors in the Open Editors pane. Language-specific editor settings always override non-language-specific editor settings, even if the non-language-specific setting Once only one group is open it will resize back to the original centered width. You can also enter decimals to adjust the zoom level with a finer granularity. `null` defaults to the `pre` tag. // - fileNames: Results are sorted by file names ignoring folder order, in alphabetical order. Increasing this value may result in the editor becoming less responsive when the current source has a large number of foldable regions. The gear icon (More Actions F9 (Windows, Linux Shift+F9)) opens a context menu with options to reset the setting to its default value as well as copy the setting ID or JSON name-value pair. // Controls whether Quick Open should close automatically once it loses focus. // Convert URL-like text to links in the Markdown preview. VS Code provides several different scopes for settings. // Confirm before synchronizing git repositories. // Enable/disable strict function types in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to Declaration'-command when multiple target locations exist. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. // Restores the last editor view state (such as scroll position) when re-opening editors after they have been closed. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. When this setting is false the stop command on a sub-session will also stop the parent session. // Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files in parent directories when searching for files. // - once: Ask for trust the first time an untrusted workspace is opened. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces". Wrapped lines begin at column 1. File nesting allows for related files in a directory to be visually grouped together under a single parent file. // Configure settings to be overridden for the fsharp language. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the CSS language server. // - false: Disables bracket pair guides. They way I set it up is as follow Now you will have a .eslintrc.json file the root of your working directory. // - default: Enable automatic update checks. Unless a folder or workspace is opened (e.g. // - error: Sends general error telemetry and crash reports. // - warnonly: Only show the warning indicator when a terminal's environment is 'stale', not the information indicator that shows a terminal has had its environment modified by an extension. All features of the Settings editor such as settings groups, search, and filtering behave the same for Workspace settings. // Controls if empty lines should be ignored with toggle, add or remove actions for line comments. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. "markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled". // Enable an explorer view for npm scripts when there is no top-level 'package.json' file. Jake task detection can cause files in any open workspace to be executed. // Controls what type of git refs are listed when running `Checkout to`. "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk". The window will not be able to be dragged by the icon. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. "terminal.integrated.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". For example, workbench.colorCustomizations takes an Object that specifies a group of UI elements and their desired colors. Visual Studio Code ships by default with English as the display language and other languages rely on Language Pack extensions available from the Marketplace. "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux". // - visible: The vertical scrollbar will always be visible. // Controls when the debug Status bar should be visible. // Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the JavaScript Debug Terminal. If not set, will be inherited from the `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` environment variables. Supported dictionaries: `adjectives`, `animals`, `colors` and `numbers`. More relevant entries appear first. // Controls which editor is shown at startup, if none are restored from the previous session. // - multiline: Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected. // Controls what naming strategy to use when a giving a new name to a duplicated Explorer item on paste. The easiest way to reset VS Code back to the default settings is to clear your user settings.json file. "less.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon", "less.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion". How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows? This is a slow algorithm, that might cause freezes for large files, but it works correctly in all cases. Accepts "normal" and "bold" keywords or numbers between 1 and 1000. Once the file is open in an editor, delete everything between the two curly braces {}, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the default values. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? // Controls the line height in pixels in the Debug Console. Use this setting to disable this behavior. The Release Notes are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // Plays a sound when the focus moves to a deleted line in diff review mode or to the next/previous change. This setting will currently be ignored if either `` or `terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx` are set. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? // Controls the width of the cursor when `editor.cursorStyle` is set to `line`. This setting is overridden based on the file contents when `editor.detectIndentation` is on. How do you determine which formatter is being used for VS Code? // Controls the behavior of the settings editor Table of Contents while searching. "markdown.suggest.paths.includeWorkspaceHeaderCompletions". Prettier - Code formatter - Visual Studio Marketplace Repositories in the Source Control view are sorted in the order that they were selected. // Controls whether force push (with or without lease) is enabled. // Controls whether the layout control is shown in the custom title bar. // Enable/disable suggestion to complete JSDoc comments. You may then be prompted to choose which format to use. // Sets the module system for the program. // - never: Never select a suggestion when automatically triggering IntelliSense. "debug.javascript.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer". This setting can also be configured per language. // - false: Files will not be revealed and selected. // Render last line number when the file ends with a newline. // Controls whether a window should restore to Zen Mode if it was exited in Zen Mode. // Controls whether sorting favors words that appear close to the cursor. fix multiple formats for file Select a default formatted // Enable all error reporting in Markdown files. // Enable/disable default TypeScript formatter. // Controls how many repositories are visible in the Source Control Repositories section. // Controls when the Markdown header folding arrow is shown. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `event`-suggestions. This filter can be useful if you have forgotten whether you configured a setting, or if the editor is not behaving as you expect because you accidentally configured a setting. // Controls whether the Explorer should expand multi-root workspaces containing only one folder during initialization. // - auto: Search dependencies based on estimated performance impact. // Enable/disable showing group headers in the Code Action menu. // Show Errors & Warnings on files and folder. I don't have the option in VSCode 1.59.1. Use `default` for the workbench user interface font family, `editor` for the `editor.fontFamily`'s value, or a custom font family. // The default profile used on macOS. For example, path completions to a file named `` will insert ``. // Controls whether the editor automatically collapses import ranges. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? // - preserve-aligned: Preserve wrapping of attributes but align. // Defines space handling after a semicolon in a for statement. // Restores the ports you forwarded in a workspace. // - auto: Enable audio cue when a screen reader is attached. // - off: Disable the Source Control count badge. "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace". "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeDefinitionCommand". // - auto: Insert `={}` or `=""` after attribute names based on the prop type. Formatter for visual studio code? - Accepting one of these suggestions inserts the full path to header in that file, for example `[link text](/path/to/`. It is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary. You can learn more about turning on and configuring Settings Sync in the Settings Sync user guide. If you are using multiple language-specific settings, be aware that language-specific settings are merged and precedence is set based on the full language string (for example "[typescript][javascript]") and not the individual language IDs (typescript and javascript). // - default: History entries are sorted by relevance based on the filter value used. Note that child process detection may not work well for shells like Git Bash which don't run their processes as child processes of the shell. // - currentGroup: Open links in the active editor group. // - off: Files will open in the window with the files' folder open or the last active window. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. For example: `vscode.csharp`. // Controls the maximum number of opened editors. // Controls whether bold text in the terminal will always use the "bright" ANSI color variant. // - singleTerminal: Show the actions when it is the only terminal opened, // - singleTerminalOrNarrow: Show the actions when it is the only terminal opened or when the tabs view is in its narrow textless state. Whereas, by my reading, the question is asking about how to adjust the specific formatter options available for each language. // Enable/disable suggestion diagnostics for JavaScript files in the editor. // Indent wrapped attributes to after N characters. // Configure settings to be overridden for the plaintext language. // Controls whether to show a confirmation dialog before closing the window or quitting the application. // - `${separator}`: a conditional separator (` - `) that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text. // - antialiased: Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. // Scale of content drawn in the minimap: 1, 2 or 3. Open the Settings Editor (, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)) and type "activity" in the Search bar. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist. // Override the virtual workspaces support of an extension. "search.searchEditor.defaultNumberOfContextLines". // - ctrlCmd: Maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux and to `Command` on macOS. // - off: Assume a screen reader is not attached. // Terminal style of locally echoed text; either a font style or an RGB color. // - view: Show references in separate view. // - all: `cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced always. A Node process launched with the `--inspect` flag will always be attached to, regardless of this setting. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `enum`-symbols. // Controls whether suggestions should automatically show up when typing trigger characters. // Controls whether characters in strings should also be subject to Unicode highlighting. // - preserve: Open the panel to the state that it was in, before it was closed. // Controls whether editors showing a file that was opened during the session should close automatically when getting deleted or renamed by some other process. "css.completion.completePropertyWithSemicolon". "editor.unicodeHighlight.ambiguousCharacters". // Timeout in milliseconds after which file participants for create, rename, and delete are cancelled. // - highlight: Highlight elements when searching. I know you can Format Code using Ctrl+F / Cmd+F in Visual Studio Code but how do you change the formatting options for each language? "workbench.settings.settingsSearchTocBehavior". If a folder or workspace is opened (e.g. The panel will open un-maximized. // - modifications: Format modifications (requires source control). Is there another hidden JSON file to do that? // Controls the hover feedback delay in milliseconds of the dragging area in between views/editors. // Controls whether to use the split JSON editor when editing settings as JSON. // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also hides the activity bar either at the left or right of the workbench. // Controls if the Debug Console should suggest previously typed input. Extension authors can learn more about adding custom settings in the configuration contribution point documentation. // - recentlyUsed: Select recent suggestions unless further typing selects one, e.g. // Controls the commit message length threshold for showing a warning. Click the Edit in settings.json link and add the following JSON: Here the line numbers in the editor for the settings.json file are now green. // When enabled, Outline shows `key`-symbols. // Line height of the output text for notebook cells. // Double-click in the Markdown preview to switch to the editor. // Configure settings to be overridden for the markdown language. Setting it to 'true' creates a
for newlines inside paragraphs. Files are interwoven with folders. // Controls when the minimap slider is shown. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `snippet`-suggestions. // Controls whether characters are highlighted that can be confused with basic ASCII characters, except those that are common in the current user locale. Use the `workbench.editor.limit.perEditorGroup` setting to control this limit per editor group or across all groups. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter in the Debug Console. // - inherited: On macOS and Linux, a new split terminal will use the working directory of the parent terminal. As default the `editor.fontSize` is used when the configured value is less than `5` or greater than the editor font size. `console.| -> console.log` because `log` has been completed recently. There are several other handy filters to help with searching through settings. If your user settings set the editor backgrounds to blue and green: And your open workspace settings set the editor foreground to red: The result, when that workspace is open, is the combination of those two color customizations, as if you had specified: If there are conflicting values, such as editor.selectionBackground in the example above, the usual override behavior occurs, with workspace values taking precedence over user values, and language-specific values taking precedence over non-language-specific values. // Controls whether a branch that does not have outgoing commits is fast-forwarded before it is checked out. // When enabled, will trim trailing whitespace when saving a file. // Maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk, when `scss.format.preserveNewLines` is enabled. // When enabled, Outline shows `class`-symbols. Same effect as specifying `--max-memory=NEWSIZE` on the command line. // - betweenCells: A toolbar that appears on hover between cells. // Controls whether existing line breaks before elements should be preserved. // Defines whether an open brace is put onto a new line for functions or not. Please open user settings to correct errors/warnings in it and try again. When set to 0, 90% of `editor.fontSize` is used. Depending on your platform, the user settings file is located here: While you can reset settings individually via the Settings editor Reset Setting command, you can reset all changed settings by opening settings.json and deleting the entries between the braces {}. By overriding an extension's default kind using this setting, you specify if that extension should be installed and enabled locally or remotely. // - false: Do not ignore leading and trailing whitespace. // Controls how the editor should render the current line highlight. This setting also applies to opening files in an empty window which is trusted via ``. // - copyPaste: Copy when there is a selection, otherwise paste. "javascript.suggest.includeAutomaticOptionalChainCompletions". // - always: Always maximize the panel when opening it. // Controls the working directory a split terminal starts with. // Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview. // Controls which files are searched by Go to Symbol in Workspace. // Controls whether the diff editor should be automatically closed when changes are stashed, committed, discarded, staged, or unstaged. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. // Duration in seconds between each automatic git fetch, when `git.autofetch` is enabled. // - off: Smooth caret animation is disabled. // Enable/disable introducing aliases for object shorthand properties during renames. // The universal selector (`*`) is known to be slow. // Prefer showing hovers above the line, if there's space. Set language for syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code. // Controls enablement of Gulp task detection. The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. // Controls whether terminal tab statuses support animation (eg. Requires a restart after change. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `file`-symbols. // When enabled, will show the watermark tips when no editor is open. // - selectWord: Select the word under the cursor and show the context menu.