Public policy. font-weight: 300; var nTimer = setInterval(function() { The proposed renewal of the expiring capital project levy authorization will raise approximately } The estimated total cost of the projects to be funded over that time period is approximately $98,108,440. Salary Notice. Schools: A tech levy appears to have failed again for the North St. Paul school district, while school referendums appear to have passed in South St. Paul and White Bear Lake. Shall the City of Oakdale be authorized to impose a temporary sales and use tax to finance all or a portion of the cost of construction and rehabilitation and associated building costs of the Oakdale Police Department Facility, in an amount equal to one-half of one percent (0.5%) for a period of twenty-five (25) years or until $15,000,000 plus the costs of collecting and administering the tax and the costs of issuing any bonds including interest is collected, provided that such tax shall terminate sooner if the City Council determines that all such costs have been paid? Information for candidates. 413 be approved? BY VOTING YES ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. text-align: center; Shall the Township Board appoint the position of Treasurer, therefore revoking the election of said position be approved? The City of Edina4801 W. 50th St.Edina, MN 55424Phone:952-927-8861Email UsHours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F, 2023 Meeting Calendar and Religious Observance Dates (PDF), Public Meetings and Religious Observances Policy (PDF), Welcome to a Meeting of the Edina City Council (PDF). Incumbent Ron Anderson is running for reelection this year as his first term comes to a close. 333 (Ogilvie), Minnesota be authorized to issue general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,790,000 for acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities including, but not limited to, completion of ventilation system upgrades district-wide? Shall the Fairmont City Charter be amended to change the length of the city administrators appointment from an indefinite term to a term and renewal established at the time of appointment in a written contract? Vermont, } Should the City of Hermantown be authorized to pay for a walking, running, biking and other non-motorized trail upgrade as part of a larger effort to connect the Essentia Wellness Center, Fichtner Field Complex, Stebner Park, local schools, other communities, and other trail systems with up to $4,750,000 plus allowable costs and issue bonds as part of the larger Community Recreation Initiative of up to $19,310,000 authorized by the State of Minnesota in the 2021 tax bill and paid for with a portion of the additional one-half of one percent (0.5%) local option sales and use tax? BY VOTING YES ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE, If School District Question 2 above is approved, shall the board of Independent School District No. A portion of this proposed referendum revenue authorization would replace the school districts existing authorization of $55.24 per pupil which is scheduled to expire after taxes payable in 2022. One current board member, Kevin Staunton, is not seeking re-election. The board of Independent School District No. Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Kanabec County, for the benefit of the Kanabec County Historical Society and the Kanabec History Center, be authorized to establish and levy a special levy to be levied on all taxable property in Kanabec County, in the aggregate amount of $45,000 per year, for ten years beginning with taxes payable in 2023, unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law, the proceeds of which shall be appropriated to the Kanabec County Historical Society to support its historical work and purposes, including collection, preservation, publication, and dissemination of historical documents and information? 741 (Paynesville Area Schools) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by $460 per pupil. 4422 Brandywine Drive, Suite 1. } })(); See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection. BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. The money raised by this authorization will provide funds for the acquisition and installation of technology equipment, improvements and systems. 423 (Hutchinson Public Schools) has proposed to renew the school districts existing referendum revenue authorization of $310.88 per pupil which is scheduled to expire after taxes payable in 2023. That means some contests wont be definitively called Tuesday night. This authorization would renew the school districts existing authorization which is scheduled to expire after taxes payable in 2022. Shall the renewal of the expiring capital project levy proposed by the board of Independent School District No. background-color: #003388; } BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING TO EXTEND AN EXISTING PROPERTY TAX REFERENDUM THAT IS SCHEDULED TO EXPIRE. font-size: 2em; This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. The 2022 State Election took place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. BY VOTING YES ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING TO EXTEND AN EXISTING PROPERTY TAX REFERENDUM THAT IS SCHEDULED TO EXPIRE. The additional revenue from the proposed capital project levy authorization will provide funds for the acquisition, installation, replacement, support and maintenance of software, software licenses, computers, improved technology equipment, networks, infrastructure, and the costs of technology related personnel and training. .election_results_text { Send Ballotpedia contact information for this person, .infobox { Would you like to receive ouradvertising news? }) padding:7px 8px 8px; 885 (St. Michael-Albertville Schools) has proposed to increase its general education revenue by $102 per pupil. } Shall Option B, providing for the appointment of the clerk by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?, Shall Option B, providing for the appointment of the treasurer by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?. (function() { Missouri, If School District Question 1 is approved, shall the increase in the property tax referendum revenue authorization proposed by the Board of Independent School District No. The total sales and use tax approved by voters at this election to finance this project and any other project will not exceed one-half of one percent (0.50%). Any comments that violate these standards will be removed. margin: 0; Devarsh Borah (he/him), is a sophomore at Edina High School, and is excited to be back for his second year on Zephyrus. }, 100); Would you like to receive our breaking news? font-size: 12px; The estimated total cost of the projects to be funded over that time period is approximately $30,000,000. racist or sexually-oriented language. Peoria County Election Commission. BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE. People line up to vote over the lunch hour on Election Day at Roseville City Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. The School Board of Independent School District No. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for ten years beginning with taxes payable in 2024, unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. Cloud woman is acquitted, Blaine apartment explosion injures 2 people: Police, Woman killed, child ejected from vehicle in crash near Prior Lake, Stolen Kia high-speed chase ends with crash off bridge in Minneapolis, Man charged in St. Paul double fatal funeral shooting that killed chef, Competitive dance studio in North Minneapolis needs help to get to nationals, Minnesota lawmakers push for new board dedicated to household pets, Hyundai, Kia thefts: Twin Cities mayors, AG call for safety recall, Minnesota lawmakers propose dropping minimum markup on gas, Ranked-choice voting in Minnesota? Shall the increase in the revenue proposed by the board of Independent School District No. } 492 (Austin), Minnesota has proposed to increase the School Districts general education revenue by $470 per pupil. BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING FOR A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE, The board of Independent School District No. What we do at a city level to mitigate climate change and adapt infrastructure to adequately respond to these changes will be really important for us. } 836 (Butterfield-Odin Public Schools) has proposed to revoke its existing referendum revenue authorization for taxes payable in 2023 in the amount of $1,149.78 per pupil, and to replace this authorization with a new, increased authorization in the amount of $1,794.32 per pupil. Shall Itasca County be authorized to impose a sales and use tax of one percent to finance $75 million for the new Itasca County Criminal Justice Center, which is currently under construction in downtown Grand Rapids? Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey? margin-bottom:0px; Election Results. font-style: italic; } width: 57%; background-color: #f9d334; width: 350px; By-election and supplementary election results; Council election results. View our division webpages for more information and ways to connect with us in-person or remotely, or email our office. Pennsylvania, Joni Bennett and Josh Sprague won seats on the Edina City Council in last week's election, according to unofficial results from the Minnesota Secretary of State's office. } Elections in 2023 | Hawaii, She is also an Edina Energy and Environment Commissioner and a board member of Clean Water Action Minnesota and National Clean Water Action. } Auditor: Ryan Wilson conceded to Democratic State Auditor Julie Blaha in the closest statewide race of what has been described as Minnesotas blue wave.. Each member serves a four-year term. height: 100%; max-height: 580px; Saint Paul, MN 55117-0370, Business, Lien & Notary Information Phone Line: Many of these videos are available for free download. BY VOTING "YES" ON THIS BALLOT QUESTION, YOU ARE VOTING TO EXTEND AN EXISTING PROPERTY TAX REFERENDUM THAT IS SCHEDULED TO EXPIRE. 97 be approved? The board of Independent School District No. Should the City of Hermantown be authorized to pay for a portion of the upgrades to the Hermantown Ice Arena with up to $10,840,000 plus allowable costs and issue bonds as part of the larger Community Recreation Initiative of up to $19,310,000 authorized by the State of Minnesota in the 2021 tax bill and paid for with a portion of the additional one-half of one percent (0.5%) local option sales and use tax? 166 (Cook County Schools) Minnesota has proposed to renew the existing property tax referendum authorization of $800 per pupil that is scheduled to expire after taxes payable in 2022. Kate Agnew bases much of her desire to attain an Edina City Council position on her commitment to listening to others and engaging in positive dialogue with members of her community. The proposed capital project levy will raise approximately $2,590,309 for taxes payable in 2024, the first year it is to be levied, and would be authorized for ten (10) years. Here are the key election results from Minnesota. The estimated total cost of the projects to be funded by the approved capital project levy authorization during that time period is approximately $25, 903,090.
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